Florida Abortion Ban


This week in Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law a bill to ban abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. This ban will only take effect if the state’s current 15-week ban is upheld in a challenge before the Supreme Court, which is controlled by conservatives. Representative Jenna Persons-Mulicka stated that, “this is an opportunity to lead the national debate about the importance of protecting life and giving every child the opportunity to be born and find his or her purpose”.

One of the biggest controversies over abortion bans is the right to terminate a pregnancy brought about by rape or incest. This law contains exceptions including, no other choice to save the woman’s life, and an abortion involving rape or incest would be allowed until 15 weeks of pregnancy, provided a woman has documentation such as a restraining order or police report. 

I believe this is a great step and I am thankful for states being allowed to pass their own abortion laws. I believe that every life has value and no baby deserves for that to be taken away from them. I do not believe that it is okay to impregnate a woman through rape or incest, but children are gifts and aborting a pregnancy, most often, causes more stress, depression, and health issues than the baby itself does. I also believe that any law that takes a step toward protecting innocent lives is something to celebrate. Unlike the democratic senator and chair woman of the Florida Democratic Party who got arrested and charged with trespassing while protesting this ban.

The article states that Governor DeSantis plans to launch an expected presidential candidacy built on his national brand as a conservative standard bearer. I think if he is able to follow through, then this could be a big step forward for the U.S. This will be the first election I am old enough to vote in, so I am going to keep this on my radar of research.


  1. WOW! Very good and informing post!

  2. Hey, this was some very good information. Thanks for writing on this.


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